Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend

This Easter weekend was an enjoyable. Saturday, we went to our local market, Petersons and the 2 girls did the egg hunt. They divide up into age groups from ages 1-8. Each child went to hear aisle for her age group. The 5-6 year old only had one aisle, but the 7-8 year olds had two. The put streamers across one end of the aisle and half way down had another streamer across the aisle. All the kids lined up behind each end. The parents were everywhere on the ends, behind the kids. In between the two ends of streamers was all kinds of strewn all over the floor. They had put candy, plastic eggs, pencils, pads of paper, frisbee's from Zion's bank, full size candy bars w/wrappers that said Happy easter, and tones more. Then over the load speaker they kept saying in just a minute we will begin. The hunt started at 8 am. The announcer told everyone ready set go, and it was a dash. I was watching the 5-6 group, because I thought my 8 year old was old enough to handle the hunt herself. The 5-6 year old hurried somewhat in and mine started looking at what she wanted rather than just gathering. I told her grab the pencil and just hurry and grap stuff. Most of the parents told the kids head toward the middle. Then one of the parents got in there with her son and took him to the front part buy us and she kept telling him to pick up everything! He was going to town, he must have had 20 or more things buy the time it was done. We headed out of the aisle looking for my 8 year old when all was said and done. It was quite crowded. I found her and she got a few pieces of candy, she said, everyone grabbed everything and she said all she saw was candy on her aisle. I guess I should of looked to see what was on her aisle, but we had gotten there and found where they were suppose to be and it was almost time to start, so not much time for checking out strategy. (It seems you need to have strategy to do easter hunts) I thought my 5 year old maybe would have gotten a couple of duplicate items since there was so many pencils and stuff. So I asked her how many pencils did you pick up. She said, "One, I need to leave some for the others." My sweet girls I guess are the competitive type. They are the sweet ones, which is a good thing, but not for hunting. I ran into someone we use to know from our old part of our ward and their kids baskets where overflowing. I said something to her about the competition and she said "Ya, mine are a little competitive when it comes to things, I guess." My girls left with about 8-10 things in their bags, which made the older one a little dissappointed, but I told her we have the church hunt at 10 and now she was warmed up!
At 10 we could now go to the one at the park down the street. But it started getting cloudy and the wind started up. It looked like rain. This time we brought my 2 boys and 2 girls. They had an area roped off for the 5 and younger. I looked at the eggs and all those little ones and thought they might get 5 eggs if they are lucky. The guy said, oh there are about 500 eggs in there! I was looking and going ok, but I don't know. They started out and the 5 year old was on doing a lot better this time. Now it was the 2 year olds turn to look but he didn't have a clue what he was doing! So we got a few for him and by then everyone had moved over to the rest of the park where the older kids were searching. We had more luck there because it was spread out and he kind of new what he was doing. It was getting really cold and even started to sprinkle a little. We had donuts, juice, and milk - the best part for the parents. We took some pictures buy the slide and headed for home.
Today, we had an enjoyable day! We were going to eat our turkey,(the last of the bunch, my husband slaughtered yesterday, while I was out)but he only weighed 15 lbs after all was said and done. We've had him almost a year and he was quite pretty, for a male turkey. But I guess because of the breed, they don't get that big. Live and learn or Die and learn which ever the case may be for the turkey. I realized today I couldn't cook him because we didn't have a roasting bag to cook him in. I didn't want to try it without it, because I didn't want it to dry out. So tomorrow is roasting turkey day! We did have pork roast though and it was good. We were planning on having cheese cake with strawberries for dessert too. My littlest girl kept asking all day when were going to take the family picture, because we always take one on Easter. I kept telling her later. Finally after about the 4th time, I asked her why she kept wondering? She said because after that we could hunt for eggs and have cheesecake. The 2 things she kept looking forward too all day long. The other question all day I kept getting asked was can we eat our chocolate bunny and kept telling them NO! Each one of them asked and I guess they said something to the others about not eating it. Mind you I had told them all the same thing when they asked but my 2nd son asked for himself, why can't we eat it? I said again, "until we take the family picture I don't want that big thing of chocolate to get all over your white shirt." Oh, now he understood. So if you look we all had white shirt on in one form or another, so chocolate does cause quite a problem, but my youngest got a strawberry and had a nice strawberry stain on his vest and shirt. But with him I was lucky to keep him clean as long as I did. We did take the picture after awhile. We did hunt for eggs after my 3rd son hid them, but my 2 year old didn't want to hunt for eggs unless they were a ball. He loves outside and that's what he's wanted to do for most of everyday is go outside - clothes or not, rain, snow, or shine, get on a pair of shoes and a coat and off I go! We have to be real careful he likes to escape out the back because he can open the door! Today we only had 2 escapes and
then he went out with us and had a ball even if he only found 3 eggs! The others had a ball
hunting for eggs! It was a nice day, but I think the easter bunny went a little overboard on the candy! But it takes a lot of candy to divide it 9 ways and you never know if you have too much or not enough!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for you to blog! Love the pics. Your kids are so cute:)
